Bluezeon Cyber Security Assessment

Complete our 10 question Cyber Security Questionnaire in less than 120 seconds and find out the risk level to your business today! 

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Step 1 of 2
1. Are your software applications and operating systems updated at least every 14 days with critical and high priority security patches?
2. Is there a firewall or security appliance with up-to-date security patches in place to safeguard the network from unauthorized access and harmful activities?
3. Do all your employees undergo regular cyber security awareness training?
4. Are strong, unique passwords enforced for all user accounts, including privileged accounts?
5. Is multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled for accessing all systems with access to sensitive systems or data?
6.Do you have a managed anti-virus solution in place where you can view the protection status of all computers?
7. Are regular data backups conducted, and are they stored in a secure offsite location?
8. Are mobile devices used for work equipped with security measures such as encryption and remote wipe capabilities?
9. Do your complete a Disaster Recovery test restore of your data at least quarterly?
10. Are regular security assessments and vulnerability scans performed on the network and systems?